Cara mengembalikan data hardisk yang terformat atau terhapus
Nama aplikasi ini adalah Recuva sob. Kegunaan aplikasi ini adalah memulihkan atau mengembalikan file-file yang telah terhapus
(delete) dari komputer. Bahkan file yang telah dikosongkan dari
Recycle bin pun dapat dikembalikan lagi. Tak hanya file dalam bentuk
documen saja tetapi juga gambar, mp3, video atau bahkan file yang
terdapat dalam kartu memori kamera digital, iPod yang telah terhapus
akibat crash, bug ataupun virus.
Nih sedikit features dari Recuva :
Undelete files on your computer
We've all deleted files by mistake, or without realizing we'd want them at some future point. Photographs, documents, music files, even emails - we've all had regrets. With Recuva, you can get them back quickly, safely, and easily. This compact Windows program does the work for you, scanning your drives for the files you need, then recovering them in a flash.Recuva works on any rewriteable media you have. Whether you need to recover priceless photographs from your digital camera's memory card, files you backed up to an external hard drive, or the documents you carry around every day on your USB key, Recuva's got you covered. For prosumer and pro photographers, Recuva supports the Nikon RAW and Canon RAW (.CRW) formats.
If you listen to music on an iPod, Recuva can recover files directly from the iPod's drive. Even though you can't access files on your iPod directly, Recuva can. You don't have to worry about losing music from iTunes or your iPod any more.
Nah demikian sob cara mengembalikan data hardisk yang terformat atau terhapus, semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Aminn !
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